Évènement in-app
Découvrez comment utiliser avec les événements in-app dans le SDK iOS.
Vue d'ensemble
Ce document vous guide dans l'implémentation des événements in-app dans le SDK iOS. Pour obtenir une introduction aux événements in-app à l'attention des développeurs, consultez les Événements in-app.
Avant de commencer
Integrate In-App Events with our SDK wizard
Logging des événements in-app
Le SDK vous permet de consigner les actions que les utilisateurs effectuent dans le contexte de votre application. Ces événements sont plus connus sous le nom de événements in-app.
The logEvent
methodThe logEvent
method lets you log in-app events and send them to AppsFlyer for processing.
exposes logEvent
, predefined event name constants and predefined event parameter constants.
prend 3 arguments :
- (void)logEventWithEventName:(NSString *)eventName
eventValues:(NSDictionary<NSString * , id> * _Nullable)eventValues
completionHandler:(void (^ _Nullable)(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable dictionary, NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler;
- The first argument (
) is the event name - The second argument (
) is the event parametersNSDictionary
- The third argument (
) is an optional completion handler (useful for Handling event submission success/failure)
(second argument) must be a validNSDictionary
. For more information, see Foundation JSONSerialization.
Example: Send "add to wishlist" event
Par exemple, pour enregistrer le fait qu'un utilisateur a ajouté un article à sa liste d'envies :
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] logEvent: AFEventAddToWishlist withValues: @{
AFEventParamPrice: @20,
AFEventParamContentId: @"123456"
withValues: [
AFEventParamPrice: 20,
AFEventParamContentId: "123456"
In the above logEvent
- Le nom de l'événement est
- The event value is a
containing these event parameters:- AFEventParamPrice : le prix de l'élément que l'utilisateur a ajouté à sa liste d'envies.
- AFEventParamContentId : l'identifiant de l'élément ajouté
Implementing in-app event definitions
D'après l'exemple de définition détaillé dans Comprendre les définitions de structure d'événement, l'événement doit être implémenté comme suit :
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] logEvent: AFEventContentView withValues: @{
AFEventParamContentId: <ITEM_SKU>,
AFEventParamContentType: <ITEM_TYPE>,
AFEventParamPrice: <ITEM_PRICE>
withValues: [
AFEventParamContent: <ITEM_NAME>
AFEventParamContentId: <ITEM_SKU>
AFEventParamPrice: <ITEM_PRICE>
Handling event submission success and failure
You can pass a completionHandler
to logEvent
when recording in-app events. The handler allows you to define logic for two scenarios:
- Événement in-app enregistré avec succès
- Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'enregistrement de l'événement in-app
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] logEventWithEventName:AFEventPurchase
eventValues: @{
AFEventParamRevenue: @200,
AFEventParamCurrency: @"USD",
AFEventParamQuantity: @2,
AFEventParamContentId: @"092",
AFEventParamReceiptId: @"9277"
completionHandler:^(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable dictionary, NSError * _Nullable error){
if(dictionary != nil) {
NSLog(@"In app callback success:");
for(id key in dictionary){
NSLog(@"Callback response: key=%@ value=%@", key, [dictionary objectForKey:key]);
if(error != nil) {
NSLog(@"In app callback error:", error);
AppsFlyerLib.shared().logEvent(name: AFEventAddToWishlist,
values: [
AFEventParamPrice: 20,
AFEventParamContentId: "123456"
completionHandler: { (response: [String : Any]?, error: Error?) in
if let response = response {
print("In app event callback Success: ", response)
if let error = error {
print("In app event callback ERROR:", error)
En cas d'erreur lors de l'enregistrement de l'événement in-app, un code d'erreur et une description de la chaîne sont fournis, comme indiqué dans le tableau qui suit.
Code d'erreur | Description (NSError) |
10 | "Event timeout. (« Délai de l'événement ») Vérifiez 'minTimeBetweenSessions' param" |
11 | "Skipping event because 'isStopTracking' enabled" (« Sauter l'événement car isStopTracking est activé ») |
40 | Network error: Error description comes from iOS |
41 | "No dev key" (« Pas de clé de développement ») |
50 | « Status code failure » + code correspondant à la réponse du serveur |
Recording offline events
Le SDK peut enregistrer les événements in-app qui ont lieu lorsqu'il n'y a pas de connexion Internet. Consultez l'article Événements in-app hors ligne pour plus en savoir plus.
Logging events before calling start
If you initialized the SDK but didn't call start
, the SDK will cache in-app events until start
is invoked.
S'il y a plusieurs événements dans le cache, ils sont envoyés au serveur les uns après les autres (détachés, une requête réseau par événement).
If the SDK is initialized,
invocations will call SKAdNetwork'supdateConversionValue
even ifstart
wasn't called orisStopped
is set totrue
(in both SDK and S2S modes).
Logging de revenu
For events with revenue, including in-app purchases, subscriptions, and ad revenue events, AppsFlyer customers with an ROI360 subscription should avoid using the
) parameter in their in-app events. Doing so can result in duplicate revenue being reported. Instead, they should utilize the purchase connector and the ad revenue SDK API.
is the only event parameter that AppsFlyer counts as real revenue in the dashboard and reports.
You can send revenue with any in-app event. Use the AFEventParameterRevenue
constant to include revenue in the in-app event. You can populate it with any numeric value, positive or negative.
La valeur de revenu ne doit pas contenir de séparateurs sous forme de virgules, de symbole monétaire ou de texte. Un événement de revenu doit être similaire à 1234.56, par exemple.
Example: Purchase event with revenue
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] logEvent: AFEventPurchase
AFEventParamContentType : @"category_a",
AFEventParamRevenue: @200,
withValues: [
AFEventParamContentType : "category_a",
AFEventParamRevenue: 200,
N'inscrivez pas de devise après la valeur du revenu.
Configuring revenue currency
You can set the currency code for an event's revenue by using the af_currency
predefined event parameter:
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] logEvent: AFEventPurchase
AFEventParamRevenue: @200,
withValues: [
AFEventParamRevenue: 200,
- Le code de devise doit être un code ISO 4217 à 3 caractères.
- La devise par défaut est USD
Pour en savoir plus sur les paramètres de devise, l'affichage et la conversion de devise, consultez notre guide sur la devise du revenu.
Logging negative revenue
Dans certaines situations, vous voudrez peut-être enregistrer un revenu négatif. Par exemple, si l'utilisateur reçoit un remboursement ou annule un abonnement.
Pour loguer un revenu négatif :
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] logEvent: @"cancel_purchase"
AFEventParamContentType : @"category_a",
AFEventParamRevenue: @-1.99,
withValues: [
AFEventParamContentType : "category_a",
AFEventParamRevenue: -1.99,
Dans le code ci-dessus vous remarquerez ceci :
- La valeur du revenu est précédée du signe moins
- The event name is a custom event called
- that's how the marketer identifies negative revenue events in the dashboard and raw-data reports
Validation des achats
AppsFlyer provides server verification for in-app purchases. For more information see Validate and log purchase
Constantes d'événement
Predefined event names
Predefined event name constants follow a AFEventEventName
naming convention. For example, AFEventAddToCart
Nom de l'événement | Nom de constante iOS |
"af_level_achieved" | AFEventLevelAchieved |
"af_add_payment_info" | AFEventAddPaymentInfo |
"af_add_to_cart" | AFEventAddToCart |
"af_add_to_wishlist" | AFEventAddToWishlist |
"af_complete_registration" | AFEventCompleteRegistration |
"af_tutorial_completion" | AFEventTutorial_completion |
"af_initiated_checkout" | AFEventInitiatedCheckout |
"af_purchase" | AFEventPurchase |
"af_rate" | AFEventRate |
"af_search" | AFEventSearch |
"af_spent_credits" | AFEventSpentCredits |
"af_achievement_unlocked" | AFEventAchievementUnlocked |
"af_content_view" | AFEventContentView |
"af_list_view" | AFEventListView |
"af_travel_booking" | AFEventTravelBooking |
AFEventShare | |
"af_invite" | AFEventInvite |
"af_login" | AFEventLogin |
"af_re_engage" | AFEventReEngage |
"af_update" | AFEventUpdate |
"af_opened_from_push_notification" | AFEventOpenedFromPushNotification |
"af_location_coordinates" | AFEventLocation |
"af_customer_segment" | AFEventCustomerSegment |
"af_subscribe" | AFEventSubscribe |
"af_start_trial" | AFEventStartTrial |
"af_ad_click" | AFEventAdClick |
"af_ad_view" | AFEventAdView |
Predefined event parameters
Predefined event parameter constants follow a AFEventParamParameterName
naming convention. For example, AFEventParamRevenue
Nom du paramètre d'événement | Nom de constante iOS | Type |
"af_content" | AFEventParamContent | String |
"af_achievement_id" | AFEventParamAchievementId | String |
"af_level" | AFEventParamLevel | String |
"af_score" | AFEventParamScore | String |
"af_success" | AFEventParamSuccess | String |
"af_price" | AFEventParamPrice | float |
"af_content_type" | AFEventParamContentType | String |
"af_content_id" | AFEventParamContentId | String |
"af_content_list" | AFEventParamContentList | String[] |
"af_currency" | AFEventParamCurrency | String |
"af_quantity" | AFEventParamQuantity | int |
"af_registration_method" | AFEventParamRegistrationMethod | String |
"af_payment_info_available" | AFEventParamPaymentInfoAvailable | String |
"af_max_rating_value" | AFEventParamMaxRatingValue | String |
"af_rating_value" | AFEventParamRatingValue | String |
"af_search_string" | AFEventParamSearchString | String |
"af_date_a" | AFEventParamDateA | String |
"af_date_b" | AFEventParamDateB | String |
"af_destination_a" | AFEventParamDestinationA | String |
"af_destination_b" | AFEventParamDestinationB | String |
"af_description" | AFEventParamDescription | String |
"af_class" | AFEventParamClass | String |
"af_event_start" | AFEventParamEventStart | String |
"af_event_end" | AFEventParamEventEnd | String |
"af_lat" | AFEventParamLat | String |
"af_long" | AFEventParamLong | String |
"af_customer_user_id" | AFEventParamCustomerUserId | String |
"af_validated" | AFEventParamValidated | boolean |
"af_revenue" | AFEventParamRevenue | float |
"af_projected_revenue" | AFEventProjectedParamRevenue | float |
"af_receipt_id" | AFEventParamReceiptId | String |
"af_tutorial_id" | AFEventParamTutorialId | String |
"af_virtual_currency_name" | AFEventParamVirtualCurrencyName | |
"af_deep_link" | AFEventParamDeepLink | String |
"af_old_version" | AFEventParamOldVersion | String |
"af_new_version" | AFEventParamNewVersion | String |
"af_review_text" | AFEventParamReviewText | String |
"af_coupon_code" | AFEventParamCouponCode | String |
"af_order_id" | AFEventParamOrderId | String |
"af_param_1" | AFEventParam1 | String |
"af_param_2" | AFEventParam2 | String |
"af_param_3" | AFEventParam3 | String |
"af_param_4" | AFEventParam4 | String |
"af_param_5" | AFEventParam5 | String |
"af_param_6" | AFEventParam6 | String |
"af_param_7" | AFEventParam7 | String |
"af_param_8" | AFEventParam8 | String |
"af_param_9" | AFEventParam9 | String |
"af_param_10" | AFEventParam10 | String |
"af_departing_departure_date" | AFEventParamDepartingDepartureDate | String |
"af_returning_departure_date" | AFEventParamReturningDepartureDate | String |
"af_destination_list" | AFEventParamDestinationList | String[] |
"af_city" | AFEventParamCity | String |
"af_region" | AFEventParamRegion | String |
"af_country" | AFEventParamCountry | String |
"af_departing_arrival_date" | AFEventParamDepartingArrivalDate | String |
"af_returning_arrival_date" | AFEventParamReturningArrivalDate | String |
"af_suggested_destinations" | AFEventParamSuggestedDestinations | String[] |
"af_travel_start" | AFEventParamTravelStart | String |
"af_travel_end" | AFEventParamTravelEnd | String |
"af_num_adults" | AFEventParamNumAdults | String |
"af_num_children" | AFEventParamNumChildren | String |
"af_num_infants" | AFEventParamNumInfants | String |
"af_suggested_hotels" | AFEventParamSuggestedHotels | String[] |
"af_user_score" | AFEventParamUserScore | String |
"af_hotel_score" | AFEventParamHotelScore | String |
"af_purchase_currency" | AFEventParamPurchaseCurrency | String |
"af_preferred_neighborhoods" | AFEventParamPreferredNeighborhoods //array of string | String[] |
"af_preferred_num_stops" | AFEventParamPreferredNumStops | String |
"af_adrev_ad_type" | AFEventParamAdRevenueAdType | String |
"af_adrev_network_name" | AFEventParamAdRevenueNetworkName | String |
"af_adrev_placement_id" | AFEventParamAdRevenuePlacementId | String |
"af_adrev_ad_size" | AFEventParamAdRevenueAdSize | String |
"af_adrev_mediated_network_name" | AFEventParamAdRevenueMediatedNetworkName | String |
"af_preferred_price_range" | AFEventParamPreferredPriceRange | int[] - basically a tuple(min,max) but we'll use array of int and use two values |
"af_preferred_star_ratings" | AFEventParamPreferredStarRatings | int[] - basically a tuple(min,max) but we'll use array of int and use two values |
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